About Me

Hello and welcome to my page~

My name is Larisa–a very common Slavic name that was either derived from the Latin word hilaris, meaning “cheerful,” or from the Greek city of Larissa, meaning “strong fortress.”

Born in Ukraine, I emigrated with my family to America when I was still a small child and now make my home in the beautiful Pacific Northwest. Growing up immersed in two vastly differing cultures led me to have a burning curiosity about people all over the world. Stemming from said curiosity, I have fallen in love with traveling to other countries, meeting new people and delving into their culture, exploring new cities, and of course, dining on the local cuisine!

If I cannot escape into a different country, then my next favorite method of adventure is to lose myself in a spectacular book. I enjoy books of all genres–from fiction and novels, to biographies and ethnographies. As long as it captures my fancy and holds me spellbound the entire time, I will burn through the book like a forest fire! Because of this penchant for reading and travel, coupled with my love of deep and mysterious things, I have been often called a dreamer and I find the title suits me. 

With that being said, I invite you to stay a while–perhaps make yourself a cup of tea, linger through my posts, and feel free to comment or share a thought 🙂

74 thoughts on “About Me”

  1. What a fun introduction. And, I like “We Already Are Friends (unless I transposed ‘Already’ and ‘Are’ by my terrible typist-fingers free-reigning. Some of me comes from Ukraine and much from Celt and such and I perch hanging out by The Gulf Stream just past The Florida Strait where I now await what may be our season’s first brush with hurricane. I have chores, and soon must go pester them into persuasion (to ready my last round of readiness for weather’s big blows…September’s first week approaches our peak hurricane season and the mile walk downtown to the library and its internet connection I pull from the compost and call it exercise (though exorcise might as well be included…thanks: just reminded me I must visit the stationers to see if they have my brand of big-little pocket notebooks into which I blog my writes before(andfive)hand…perfect almost size for haiku-ry. Soonerishly,

    Liked by 2 people

    1. Thank you! You must’ve started reading my “about me” post after following my blog, that’s why it told you “we already are friends 💕” I am so thankful that we don’t experience hurricanes in the PNW, we just get a lot of rain and sometimes snow.

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      1. Check just a bit inland for what those 1,000-meter high Pacific tsunamis did ages past, and, perhaps worst what the eventual ice-melts from the glaciers did. No place on Earth is safe from casual Earth-Shrugs, just as we scratch and tickle and torment the dirt upon which we stand. There’s an interresting bit of research out on how much Solar Radiation fluctuations affect our Earth’s core, temperatures and sometimes quake-cycles. I left my brain back at the office so I have not the author or the books’ titles to hand…Ooops, John Casey (author). I operate on the sometimes solid theory that if I continue typing, muscle memory well may supply answers. J

        Liked by 1 person

  2. Hi Larisa! I just wanted to drop by and thank you for being the first to like one of my posts yesterday. I’m still trying to get the hang of this thing, so I was grateful to see it. You have a beautiful style of writing and I’ll be looking forward to reading more from you.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Thank you so much, John! That is so kind of you. Likewise, I enjoy your work as well! I am very much enjoying Fall in the PNW, it is always a pretty spectacular sight. I hope life is treating you well in your corner of the world!

      Liked by 1 person

        1. Same here!

          I don’t have a schedule to my posting, sometimes I post every day, and other times I’ll only post once a week or so. All is forgiven and forgotten, please let us never mention it again. *hearts and flowers go here*

          Liked by 1 person

  3. Ive found my way here thanks to the lovely Erroneous Choices, but I feel I have been here before, and thought I was following you, but WP can be a mysterious place of glitches! 🙂
    I wanted to say how much I relate to your “I love you” post. I am Australian, and in my family it was hardly ever something we said to each other. I never needed to hear it from my parents, their actions always convinced me of their love. It means so very much to me if it is ever said, but I don’t ever like throwing it around casually. My husband is American and his family say it all the time, and I am still not used to it!
    I’m looking forward to exploring your blog more 🙂

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Thank you so much Vanessa!! I am so sorry it took me so long to respond to your beautiful comments, I was not in a place where I had any extra strength to dedicate to my blog, and in fact I had scheduled it for deletion very recently but the amazing people on this platform encouraged me to come back. I appreciate your story and willingness to share your experience with me and am relieved to find that we weren’t the only ones who shied away from verbally expressing such emotions. Like you, we just knew we all loved each other.

      I simply adore your writing. It is such a delight to read the poems you craft, each one is a surprise. I will respond to the other comments on my other posts tomorrow as it is quite late and I have to be up early in the morning. But I so appreciate the delightful comments you have graced me with! I am very much looking forward to interacting more again on WP. 💕


  4. Hi Larisa. I saw you over on Dracul Van Helsing’s blog where Chris and I share our dark sense of humor regularly. You are quite the insightful person in your writing, which I enjoy. Anyone who loves horses is a good person to meet. Glad to meet you!

    Liked by 1 person

    1. What a sweet comment to wake up to! Thank you very much! I’ve had to do a LOT of soul searching in the past many years of my life, so it usually makes its way over to my blog. I’m glad to meet you as well! 🤝

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      1. I can tell you have gained a lot of wisdom in your life. We must navigate a lot of storms in life to better learn how to enjoy the small gifts we receive. I look forward to learning more. I loved the PNW when I lived on the Puget Sound in a town called Steilacom near Tacoma, WA.

        Liked by 1 person

          1. My pleasure as well, Larisa. We have a nice little WP community among friends we call our Blogoteer buddies. You will definitely fit in if you can tolerate our wild humor in the comments.

            Liked by 1 person

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